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Out the Door
Lail Vineyards

My favorite case study for The Slanted Door, a client I worked with for 16 years, was my creation of the name and concept "Out the Door." In 1997, I was walking across the street with Charles Phan and asked him what he thought of a quick service concept for The Slanted Door, sort of a 5, 5, 5 as I called it, catering to simple soups, salads and entrees. About 3 years later, Charles was ready to open his "kiosk" in the Ferry Building. He knew he wanted food quick and I knew the lines would be long. I hired a firm to help with naming the new brand, but he didn't like any of the names; all along I had an idea. I had the graphics person put a decal on the window that said "Out The Door" written in the same graphics as The Slanted Door. The public loved it!